T-HyperGNNs: Hypergraph Neural Networks via Tensor Representations
Proposed a hypergraph neural network framework based on a tensor representation of the hypergraph structure.
The paper is under a minor revision to IEEE Transaction on Neural Networks and Learning Systems
A Unified View between Hypergraph Neural Networks and Signal Denoising
Proved the equivalence between hypergraph neural networks and signal denoising, proposed an iterative approach to address the over-smoothing problem.
The paper was published on the European conference on signal processing.
Learning Hypergraphs Tensor Representations from Data via t-HGSP
Addressed the challenge of learning the underlying hypergraph topology from the data by assuming the data possesses a certain regularity or smoothness. Demonstrated the effectiveness of the learned hypergraph structure in hypergraph learning-convolutional neural networks (t-HyperGLNN).
The paper was accepted by IEEE Transactions on Network Signal Processing over Networks
Unsupervised Anomaly Detection with Hypergraph Autoencoders
Proposed a hierarchical pooing and unpooling layer that acts as a backbone of hypergraph autoencoder, performed anomaly detection using reconstruction errors.
The paper is in preparation.